Are you a birth professional and ready to be part of Savannah Birth & Baby?
​We're so excited to have you on board! Here's what you need to know about membership:
Membership is open to anyone that serves the mission of
Savannah Birth & Baby
Membership is $15/month
Join our Facebook group, exclusively for Birth Professionals.
No membership needed!
Your business information will be displayed on the Savannah Birth & Baby website
Social media advertising via Savannah Birth & Baby
Introductory blog post on the Savannah Birth & Baby blog as well as unlimited guest posts, you provide the content and we publish it!
Free monthly networking events
A FREE booth at the Savannah Birth & Baby Expo with over 400 people in attendance at the 2019 expo.
We refer member businesses. Word of mouth and direct referrals come from being a valued member of Savannah Birth & Baby.
Provide expert content in your field and raise your reputation with the local birth community
Elevate your credibility by collaborating with a group of vetted birth professionals
Associate your brand with Savannah Birth & Baby, Savannah's inaugural group for birth and postpartum support
Your investment helps further the mission of Savannah Birth & Baby: to provide resources to the Savannah, Georgia region, both for birth professionals and the public birth community in the form of support groups, education and connections with local providers.
You have the opportunity to give a 10-minute presentation once a year during the monthly meetings to tell other professionals about what
you do
Exclusive offers for certifications and members only meetings packed with education business content
Learn from other birth professionals every month on a variety of birth and postpartum topics