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5 ways to get the most out of your Savannah Birth & Baby Professional membership

Becoming a member of Savannah Birth & Baby is just the beginning! There's many opportunities for you to connect with women, families and other birth professionals in the Savannah area.

We've put together some ways to get the most out of your membership with Savannah Birth & Baby, below:

  1. Attend monthly Savannah Birth & Baby Professionals meetings. Find out when we meet, here.

  2. Contribute blog content. It can be shared on your business social media pages as well as by other birth professionals.

  3. Connect with other birth professionals outside of monthly meetings. Many of the professionals in the group host classes or other events during the year. Attending their events is a great way to connect, show support and learn something new.

  4. Refer Facebook leads on mom's groups, etc. to

  5. Set up a booth at the Savannah Birth & Baby Expo in the November. Last year, we had over 400 mothers and families in attendance at the Expo and over 20 different vendors. This is a great time to connect with many other like-minded moms, families and professionals in a very short period of time!


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