The Savannah Slingers will be meeting from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the Birth & Baby Expo. This is a drop-in class that will be beneficial for both pregnant and postpartum moms. They will be showcasing different carriers, assisting with fit checks and answering babywearing questions.
The Savannah Slingers Babywearing Group is a chapter of Babywearing International (BWI). They meet regularly at Restoration Chiropractic. Meetings are free. If you choose to join the group, you can borrow carriers for an entire year for just $30! The group is lead by Certified Babywearing Educators who can answer all of your babywearing questions.
Courtesy of For more information, check out their infographic.
1. Promotes secure mother baby attachment
2. Aids baby in health physical development
3. Improves breastfeeding rates
4. Soothes baby when distressed
5. Eases the transition into the world by mimicking the womb.
We can't wait to see you at the Savannah Birth & Baby Expo! Don't forget to register for the event!